Beverage Industry
Corporate Design
Packaging Design
Social Media
Key Visuals
Elephant Bay — 2017
Elephant Bay.
The iced tea shelves are becoming increasingly crowded, but you can successfully launch a Nice Tea in supermarkets and restaurants without the need for a rapper with a wide Insta-following.
Das beweist Elephant Bay aus Stuttgart seit 2015. Seitdem besteht zwischen der Beverage-Brand und der Hochburg eine Stammkundschaftsliebe. Gemeinsam koordinieren wir von Beginn an die Design-Leitplanken, mit dem Ziel, eine Eistee-Palette zu kreieren, die sich vom gewohnten, quietschig-grellen bis langweiligen Image abhebt.

Pop the Elephant Bay.
In addition, Elephant Bay sodas are now being bottled. Plenty of reasons for the first major design upgrade since the product's launch. The focus was on the new bottle labels and their layout. The individual fruits of the variety were intricately hand-drawn by Italian illustrator Irene Laschi.
Made in Stuttgart.
An unconventional naming, progressive headlines, and product-fitting collages define the Elephant Bay look. Yummie meets street attitude. In other words: you see the Elephant Bay bottles and immediately want to chug the iced tea.
That’s how it should stay, but 2015 is not 2023. Since the launch, Elephant Bay has grown significantly in terms of assortment and reach in the German market. The fruits are fresher, and the brand is maturing.
From Bar to Train.
The result: It looks sexy and high-end on supermarket shelves and at the bars. Further upgrade touches that reflect maturity and premium quality: new typography, the logo was given a polished look, a website relaunch was in the works, as well as various print products.
All arranged by Hochburg with the goal of creating an iced tea palette that stands out from the usual garish to boring image. It really makes you thirsty. Oh, and a fully wrapped Elephant Bay tram also runs through Stuttgart. And not every ice tea brand can claim that.